The X-Files is an American science fiction–thriller media franchise created by Chris Carter. The franchise generally focused on paranormal or unexplained happenings. The first franchise release—simply titled The X-Files—debuted in September 1993 and ended in May 2002. The show was a hit for Fox, and its characters and slogans (e.g., "The Truth Is Out There", "Trust No One", "I Want to Believe") became pop culture touchstones in the 1990s.
X-Files Season 10 Graphic Novels
X-Files Season 11 Graphic Novels
X-Files Season 11 Volume 1 - or buy at BN
X-Files Season 11 Volume 2 - or buy at BN
X-Files Graphic Novels Mini-series
X-Files Year Zero (issues 1-5) - or buy at BN
X-Files Vol. 1: Revival (issues 1-5) - or buy at BN
X-Files Vol. 2: Came Back Haunted (issues 1-5) - or buy at BN
X-Files Vol. 3: Contrarians (issues 1-5)
X-Files Vol. 4: Resistance (issues 1-5) - or buy at BN
X-Files: Origin - or buy at BN
X-Files New Prose Anthologies
X-Files Anthology Vol. 1: Trust No One - or buy at BN
X-Files Anthology Vol. 2: The Truth Is Out There - or buy at BN
X-Files Anthology Vol. 3: Secret Agendas - or buy at BN
X-Files Anthology Origins: Agent of Chaos - or buy at BN
X-Files Television Series DVDs (1990s)
X-Files Season 1
X-Files Season 2
X-Files Season 3
X-Files Season 4
X-Files Season 5
X-Files Season 6
X-Files Season 7
X-Files Season 8
X-Files Season 9
X-Files complete series
X-Files Movies (1990s)DVDs
X-Files Fight the Future
X-Files: I Want to Believe
X-Files Television Series (2016) DVDs
X-Files The Event Series (2016)
X-Files Novels
Juvenile Series (Middle Grade)
X Marks the Spot - or buy at BN
Darkness Falls - or buy at BN
Tiger, Tiger! - or buy at BN
Squeeze - or buy at BN
Humbug - or buy at BN
Shapes - or buy at BN
Fear - or buy at BN
Voltage - or buy at BN
E.B.E. - or buy at BN
Die Bug, Die! - or buy at BN
Ghost in the Machine - or buy at BN
Young Adults Series
The Calusari - or buy at BN
Eve - or buy at BN
Bad Sign - or buy at BN
Our Town - or buy at BN
Empathy - or buy at BN
Fresh Bones - or buy at BN
Control - or buy at BN
The Host - or buy at BN
Hungry Ghosts - or buy at BN
Dark Matter - or buy at BN
Howlers - or buy at BN
Grotesque - or buy at BN
Quarantine - or buy at BN
Regeneration - or buy at BN
Haunted - or buy at BN
Miracle - or buy at BN
The Lone Gunmen
Goblins - or buy at BN
Whirlwind - or buy at BN
Ground Zero - or buy at BN
Ruins - or buy at BN
Antibodies - or buy at BN
Skin - or buy at BN
Fight the Future (Movie novelization - or buy at BN
X-Files I Want to Believe (Movie novelization) - or buy at BN
Millenium TV show
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