30 minute history/news/Fake News show
If only you could go back in time. Why you could bet on the winning sports teams, or stop World War II, warn the founding fathers of the problems of slavery, or save Lincoln from assassination. Evidently, CBS news figured out time travel, but instead of changing anything they just pick turning points in world history and report the stories as if they were in the present day.
In "You Are There" CBS news will stake out a story, conduct radio interviews, and describe events in present tense. Well known newsmen of the time wrote or helped with the scripting of the stories to make it really feel like a modern broadcast. (Modern for a late 1940s news broadcast anyway.) This series is a pretty rare combination of genres for Old Time Radio programs. It is historical, not really fictional, but not really non-fiction, told in a fun interesting style. The show went from 1947 to 1950. The show managed to go from radio to television, in the tv version none other than Walter Cronkite starred as the anchorman. With this program, no matter the historical event, CBS news has the microphone and the resources to make sure that
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All of our Old Time Radio Programs are in MP3 format. You can play them on your computer, you can transfer them to MP3 players (like the IPod), but, by and large, you cannot play them on stereos, walkmen, or car radios.
The sound quality of Old Time Radio Programs can vary greatly. Some episodes are excellent, others you have to turn up the volume a little and ignore the static. All of the episodes can be listened to and enjoyed. You can listen to our free samples to get a feel for how the programs sound.
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Episode List
You Are There 470714 StormingOfTheBastille.mp3
You Are There 470804 DrakeDefeatsSpanishArmada.mp3
You Are There 470811 05 Drake Defeats Spanish Armada.mp3
You Are There 470818 DefenseOfTheAlamo.mp3
You Are There 471021 BattleOfGettysburg.mp3
You Are There 471106 TheListeningYears.mp3
You Are There 471221 Sailing of the Pilgrims on 961620.mp3
You Are There 480118 SigningOfMagnaCarta.mp3
You Are There 480215 18 Caesar is Assassinated.mp3
You Are There 480222 19 Battle of Gettysburg.mp3
You Are There 480229 ExecutionOfJoanOfArc.mp3
You Are There 480314 DeathOfSocrates.mp3
You Are There 480321 PhiladelphiaJuly41776.mp3
You Are There 480404 Monitor and the Merrimac.mp3
You Are There 480418 26 Battle of Plassey.mp3
You Are There 480425 FallOfTroy.mp3
You Are There 480620 Impeachment of Andrew Johnson.mp3
You Are There 480919 VirginiaRatifiesTheConstitution.mp3
You Are There 481107 LeeAndGrantAtAppamatox.mp3
You Are There 481205 ExecutionOfMaximillian.mp3
You Are There 481212 ConspiracyOfTheCataline.mp3
You Are There 481219 HangingOfCaptainKidd.mp3
You Are There 481226 MonitorVsMerrimac.mp3
You Are There 490109 TrialOfCharlesI.mp3
You Are There 490227 ImpeachmentOfAndrewJohnson.mp3
You Are There 490403 ExecutionOfMaryQueenOfScots.mp3
You Are There 490424 AssassinationOfCaesar.mp3
You Are There 490501 DeathOfMontezuma.mp3
You Are There 490508 TrialOfSamuelChase.mp3
You Are There 490515 LexingtonAndConcord.mp3
You Are There 490522 BombardmentOfFtSumter.mp3
You Are There 490605 CaptureOfJohnWilkesBooth.mp3
You Are There 491127 TrialRunOfTomThumbSteamLocomotive.mp3